Punta Jaime

Punta Jaime

Punta Jaime gets its name from Jaime, the first assistant of the former owner of Subfari, the revered Peter Alexander Reiserer. Jaime anchored erroneously at a nearby dive site, discovering as a result a new diving spot due to the mistake. The point is actually called Punta Mares and closes the western part of the bay of Portinatx. Its vertical walls fall to a depth of 38 meters where successive rock barriers host many species, like croakers, groupers, forkbeards or small red scorpionfish. The inner part of the point that overlooks the bay of Portinatx is shallower and is equally suitable for experienced or inexperienced divers. It is also usually one of our night dive spots. The outer part and the western part tend to harbour more marine life due to the current, which brings nutrients for many invertebrates that populate the area in great numbers. Pelagic fish tend to approach Jaime point in search of food, so it is not difficult to see amberjacks and the occasional barracudas hanging around the schools of Mediterranean sand smelt or damselfish.

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